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2007年11月26日 10:15  点击:[]

Unit 1

5. CBABD 6. DABCD 7. BCDBA 8. find, dreams, experiences, take care of, library, different, becoming, make a living

Unit 2

5. ADBCC 6. CADDA 7. CDBCD 8. ways, gone, necessary, face, idea, invented, learning, possible, education, job, school, when, China

Unit 3

5. BAAAD 6. BACDB 7. BDBCB 8. my usual manner, What did you say, in recent days, her great service, in the line, all right, within her heart, the importance, more thankful

Unit 4

5. ADBDA 6. CDDBA 7. ABABB 8. at great speed, be fooled, is important, was invented, many kinds, a number of, with the wind, will turn, the speed of the wind

Unit 5

5. BCADC 6. DBCAA 7. BCCDC 8. It has been, at a place, found something, several pieces, tested another, everything changed, this discovery, This is

Unit 6

5. DDBAB 6. ADDAD 7. CACDA 8. sides of the pail, to get out of, they went, gave up, I can, under its feet, Out jumped

Unit 7

5. AADCB 6. AADDD 7. CCCBB 8. an important part of life, with a smile, without a word, carry a smile with you, behind a smile, do have control over, You catch it, smile back at you, a day wasted, wear a smile

Unit 8

5. BDABA 6. BDCDD 7. CAABD 8. guided by, something behind things, what he would say, to many stories, once a week

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